The world likes artybollocks
We are thrilled at the amount of appreciation shown for our little generator all over the globe. Thank you to everyone who has taken the trouble to do so and helped spread the word.
Financial Times
The Rich Column: using blockchain to help value art.
Thank you @artybollocks for generating the most concise explanation of #Brexit I’ve ever read; “What starts out as hope soon becomes corroded into a manifesto of power, leaving only a sense of dread and the inevitability of a new order.”
The Globe and Mail
Let’s stop pretending academic artspeak reflects actual research.
Art Times
Altered egos: Disturbing the old master
The Guardian
Galleries: let’s ditch the artspeak and artybollocks
Trying to write an artist’s statement - trying no more thanks to the Arty Bollocks Generator!
The Guardian, G2

The Arty Bollocks Generator comes with an Artist Certificate now. #artybollocks
The Age
Gobbledegook at the press of a button
Calling artist friends. The secret to your success has arrived: “@espiekermann: Arty Bollocks Generator”
hurra! els artistes estan salvats! s’ha acabat passar fretura en definir-se RT @DangerMindsBlog: Arty Bollocks Generator
Nice…. Wil jij je persoonlijke visie snel op papier hebben. De arty bollocks generator.
Another application form and I will seriously consider using Arty Bollocks Generator to do the job.